Do You Resist Or Rise? Tips For Embracing Change

When the opportunity that challenges you to face or pursue your highest self and good presents itself to you, do you resist or rise?
Most humans will resist the change, that challenge that takes their souls toward destinations they’re meant to experience. These opportunities can certainly feel like challenges when you don’t feel equipped enough to take them head on.
So I’ll ask you one simple question: Have you done a mid-year life audit, yet? If not, it’s the perfect time to take inventory of what’s working, what’s not, and what’s to come. By now, there’s a big chance you’ve either thought about or have actually dropped all hopes of achieving any goals, resolutions, or changes (whatever you feel comfortable using) you set up for the year. But it’s not too late to turn things around!
No. You know you’re ready to finally rise up...but maybe you just don’t know what your next steps are. Whether it's leaving a toxic relationship behind, moving states to reset your life, or something smaller like investing in coaching, your transformation awaits you.
So, if you’ve felt stuck with the progress (or lack thereof) you’ve had this year, here are some of my favorite tricks to audit the state of my life in comparison to how I idealized it to be at the start of this year. These tips will help propel you toward progress and motivate you to embrace this change.
You’re a leader armed with fierce ambitions. You want to do it all. But have you ever stopped to understand why you have to do all of the things? At a minimum, that attachment to busyness distracts you from the progress you long for. At worst, it zaps you of your energy and drains your creative well.
Your boundaries and self-care are not optional moving forward. Get that wired hard into your system, okay? Self-love equals self preservation. Be the one that finally integrates this in her life. It’s not too late in 2021! You still have more than half the year to make this work.
Lighten the burden, the weight, and the energy that stagnates you every day. Release what holds you back, so that you can be a clearer channel for your decision-making and ultimately your happiness.
If you can't find these new solutions on your own, seek out counsel. Learn from others who are where you want to be. There are so many from whom you can learn these days. Take a course, or invest in a coach if you want more of a hands-on approach. Seek out and discover, and you’ll begin to see these solutions find you as you need to receive them.
And when you’re ready to commit to a decision, be confident, and do it often so it becomes part of the fabric of your soul.
Learn to see where you begin and end and where other people begin and end. The discernment of what you truly long for and the aspects of you that are operating with a frightened heart can be the thing holding you still even as the world keeps spinning. Let go of your expectations, and be open to these radical changes. You’ll be able to truly deal with what is true: both people and circumstances.
This means stop trying to control others and everything around you. Letting go is only possible when you hand the reins over to a higher power.
Build awareness in your divine presence. Commit to being in the moment. Be in love with every situation. Enjoy this space, and look forward to dropping into it. From providing your client a service to booking a flight, embrace that moment. Take a moment to breathe it in and harness the joy you get to create for this opportunity in your life.
Be open to being fulfilled.
You’ve manifested this opportunity. You’ve prayed to the universe to support your next level self by sharing honestly the areas you want to grow as well as the larger vision that you desire to embody sooner rather than later.
Here’s a vital step I want you to hardwire into your brain. You are worthy of what comes next. It’s easier to question this transformation by placing barriers around it or slinging out excuses than it is to going all in. I get it. Change, even when you ask for or expect it, can be scary.
Resist that urge to dwell on limiting logic or to consult other people who have no understanding in your vision and the timing or costs associated with it. Most people may have good intentions, but they’re not on YOUR journey.
Do you ask yourself any of these questions?
Do you feel worthy of what you’ve manifest?
Are you afraid of commitment?
Do you have any past experiences that resulted in you not fully committing?
Do you trust yourself to not do that again?
Do these past experiences make you cringe at the idea of showing up?
What’s holding you back from commitment?
Is this goal, resolution, or change risky or does it make you feel super uncomfortable? You know it won’t be easy, nor can it be. This is your moment to rise. You need to be clear about what excites you. I’m talking about something that pries up that cheek-to-cheek smile and aligns with this fresh energy and your new approach to life.
It’s in this energy and space that you can create goddess, cultivating the environment, the right tribe, and the right opportunity for you to push you toward your future dream. The conviction, confidence, and trust in self are the keys to committing fully towards the unknown. It’s here that you shift these critical areas, so you can show up confidently & impact greatly.
So, I’ll ask you this. When you audit your life, what does it look like? More of the same, or radically soul-filled?
You already have so many areas in your life where you’re powerful. That means you already have the ability to harness this energy to take the action you know you need to own. It’s this action that is the first step toward empowering yourself. The act of commitment is an empowering one that both you and the universe rewards.
This is intentional living.
It’s a huge thing I personally practice as well as my clients. If you’re nodding along to this post, I want you to know that we can walk together to unlock your true potential free from doubt, obstructions, and fear. I’m all about you mastering yourself, so you’re able to relish that transformation you’ll carry to fulfill your soul’s mission.
It’s not a destination. It’s the reason we all preach “get started.” This is just the prerequisite for what’s to come. It’s your turn to claim it! Are you ready for it?